[논문 리뷰] GPT Understands, Too (P-Tuning)
Task: Language Modeling
Publisher: arXiv
Year: 2021
Pre-trained LMs have poor-transferability problems
Fine-tuning the pre-trained LMs is hard to optimized well
Prompt makes significant differences for same models and datasets
Finding optimal prompt can help the pre-trained models improve their performances
Prompt encoder is 2-layers bi-directional LSTM and MLPs
Function of prompt $P$ is put context $x$ and target $y$ into a template $T$
Template $T=\lbrace [P_{0:i}],\ x,\ [P_{i+1:m},\ y]\rbrace$, where $P_i$ is prompt, $x$ is given context, and $y$ is target
Input sequence for the pre-trained LM is
\lbrace h_0, \ldots, h_i, embed(x), h_{i+1}, \ldots, h_m, embed(y) \rbrace
where $h_i (0 \le i < m)$ are trainable embedding tensors of the prompt encoder
Objective function for training prompt encoder is
\hat{h}_{0:m} = \underset{h}\arg \min \mathcal L(\mathcal{M(x, y)})
where $\mathcal{M}$ is a pre-trained LM
It tunes only prompt encoder, while fine-tuning tunes all the parameters of the pre-trained LM
P-tuning showed better performance than other manual prompts and PET methods
Pre-trained LMs have poor-transferability problems
Prompt tuning in the continuous hidden space is better than that in the discrete hidden space
Only prompt encoder learns the appropriate embeddings for better hidden states for the downstream task
It proved that the pre-trained LMs have knowledge to perform the downstream task if the prompts are appropriate